Equality and Diversity

At Bright Stars, we never discriminate against the colour of a child’s skin, their origin, disability or gender. We expect any child in our care and their parents to show no discrimination either. We partake in anti-discriminatory practice so we lead children by example.

Inclusive practice does not necessarily mean treating everyone the same, but to treat individuals fairly and with respect, dependent upon their needs and circumstance.

We ensure that any planned activity is suitable for the needs of all children, so everyone can participate given the choice. All children are offered equal opportunities to develop their full potential and we therefore:

  • allow children to develop a sense of their own value and worth
  • enhance children’s confidence and self-esteem
  • provide children with positive images
  • offer a range of multicultural and non-stereotype toys, puzzles and books
  • include a child with a disability in our normal day-to-day activities